Here’s What This Is All About:

Are you a Spring Forest Qigong practitioner who’s passionate about client / community education? A qigong enthusiast who wants to tell the world about your experience with practicing Spring Forest Qigong? Spring Forest Qigong is always on the look out for contributing writers with fresh ideas about how qigong works. If you’re interested in becoming a contributing writer for Spring Forest Qigong, check out our submission page to learn more about the process. We look forward to hearing what you have to say!

Write for Us

Total into Well-being welcomes guest articles from contributing writers. Before pitching ideas, we request that you take a thorough look around the site to get a sense of what we cover. We want articles that make people think more broadly about health and life. We know that’s vague, but it’s really the only firm requirement—that, and the article must be about qigong. Accepted guest articles must be written originally for Spring Forest Qigong and grant one week exclusivity, after which we ask that any republications include “originally written for Spring Forest Qigong” with a link to our homepage. In return, we’ll include a byline on your article with a link to your website. Email is the best way to pitch articles. Just write a short note to introducing the general idea. If we’re interested, you will be asked to provide details on what you plan to write about. Contributed articles typically run between 600 and 800 words. All submissions are subject to Spring Forest Qigong editing processes and style guidelines. Thanks in advance for sharing your ideas. We really look forward to hearing them.

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